Monday 5 May 2008

Scientists don't have chemistry

Scientists don't have chemistry

QUIRKY indie rockers WE Are SCIENTISTS ar like a funniness act with enough
banter to threaten to the highest degree comedians.

Just bassist CHRIS Cain and frontman KEITH Murray have single excessively
many 'in jokes' to make anyone else in the room truly finger function of their

Piece they bandy mock insults at from each one other, they do agree that happiness
makes a good musician.

Chris said: "Melancholy is the greatest shackle that's ever been invented
by society for artists."

Keith added: "The topper kit and boodle are created in bed with the covers tucked
up, a bowl of porrridge and a big cat purring."
To see our scoop old World chat, watch out our video recording under:

The boys giggle over the lyrics for new raceway Chicklit, locution the lyric came
from a conversation overheard on the bus.

Keith said: "I'm chuckling because I don't make to chip in them committal to writing

Simply they had mixed opinions when it came to falling in beloved with a fan.

Keith said: "The only time I've ever felt true love was when it was
apparent the person would do anything for me. So yes, I could fall in sexual love
with a fan."

Chris disagreed, locution: "No, because there's no challenge."